Friday, April 08, 2005
I now use the full power of the template to make blogger less slow.Let us all pray together for the holy Blogger to revive into a premanent future. I want Google to keep my blogs online for as long as Google lives. She is so much less mortal as I am. O wheeee
My Photo

the categories template, is a demo of my Blogger template with categories. It holds tips on how to use it, related services and various other web stuff I find interesting enough to spend your time on.

Tricks, Tips, Tutorials, Pictures and Words, a personal blog with my views and ideas on tech, politics, the environment, business and "push button publishing".

is a 800-900 year old city in the Netherlands. During the 16th and 17th century the city prospered due to the herring fishing and trading by the East and West-India Company. From this period many structures remain.

A link for a friend
the test posting
April 2005